About Us
Why Humidify?
Your Health. A humidifier will improve your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), help to relieve dry, itchy skin, allergies and respiratory problems as well as improve hair and complexion. Quite simply, you’ll breathe easier, sleep better and feel healthier. The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) as well as the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) both recommend an indoor humidity setting of between 30-50% for optimum indoor air quality (IAQ) levels.
Your Home. If your home is dry, gaps may appear in your hardwood floors, table-tops may shrink slightly, wooden furniture may crack and pianos can lose pitch as wood adjusts to temperature and humidity changes. A humidifier will reduce the chance of permanently damaging your precious possessions and also reduce the build-up of static electricity.
The Environment. Our patented Rotary Disc humidifier is designed for both high-performance and high water efficiency. For those who prefer the convenience of disposable evaporative media, our patented Pulse flow-through humidifier saves up to 80% of the water compared to ordinary flow-through humidifiers. In addition to saving water, you’ll save energy (and money) on your heating requirements as humidified air feels warmer to the occupant which allows for a slightly lower temperature setting on your home thermostat while maintaining the desired comfort level.
Our History
Patent application filed for new, innovative UNU Humidifier Control system.
Patented water-efficient Pulse Flow-Through Humidifier part of the BUILT GREEN®, a program that encourages sustainable residential development by focusing on energy-efficiency, waste-reduction, preservation of natural resources, improved IAQ, home durability as well as reduced maintenance and water usage.
Rotary Disc humidifier honoured with MaP™ PREMIUM label in the Home Humidifier product category by MaP Testing. The PREMIUM label is awarded to distinguish selected products “that set themselves apart from other ‘green’ products by their level of efficiency and their exceptional performance.”

DSP’s Rotary Disc and Pulse Humidifiers qualify for water conservation rebates in several Canadian municipalities. Rotary Disc is only humidifier model eligible for highest level rebate.
Rotary Disc humidifier is cited in presentation on “Top 5 New and Innovative Water-Efficient Products” at International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) symposium in Chicago.

Frost & Sullivan Product Innovation of the Year Award in North American Residential Humidity Controls category. Desert Spring Products acquires patented Pulse humidifier from Thermolec Inc. of Montreal.
Canadian Patent CA2,165,114 for Drum Humidifier is issued, also invented by Harry Penno.
New ownership takes company private and move operations to Mississauga, ON in 2004 as Desert Spring Products ltd. (“DSP”)

Over 10,000 units sold in first year. Rotary Disc humidifier is featured on TV, radio, newsprint and magazines, including Good Morning America, The Chicago Tribune and Popular Mechanics.
US Patent 5,795,505 issued for Rotary Disc humidifier, Avante Technologies Inc. is formed in Calgary, Alberta. The company has IPO and production begins.
Patent is filed for “air humidifier with reduced mineral buildup” with US PTO which describes the Rotary Disc humidifier.
Concerned about the amount of water wasted by popular flow-through humidifiers, Harry Penno of Calgary AB sets out to design a better, more water efficient furnace-mount humidifier.